As a small business owner, networking is everything. Establishing bonds and making connections, while talking to everyone from suppliers to vendors to customers and their families! The insights and nuggets of information acquired from the people who are supporting your business are very valuable. And it’s up to you to position your budding brand (and ultimately, yourself!) as capable, desirable and ready to offer a quality product or service. Building a rapport with everyone leaves an impression that is as important now as it is down the line.
This is where using free conference calls and the free conference call app can work to build stronger relationships with everyone you communicate with. Free conference calls make 2-way communication easier, making your business appear more approachable, accessible and friendly. The ability to communicate by call or by video for free and with high-quality audio and video sends the message of professionalism and makes your small business look appealing. Here’s how free conference calling gives your business that personal touch:
New business development involves a little wooing. Use the free conference call app to personally reach out to a new customer and thank them for choosing your company. Until you become too large to keep up with onboarding, a small gesture like this is enough to leave a lasting impression that will make them want to connect with you again. Similarly, when hiring new employees, a quick discovery call using the free conference call app for audio or video can position you as being a thoughtful and down to earth employer.
Working with another person or a group requires showing vulnerability, like opening yourself up to delegate work, surrender trust and voice ideas and opinions on a project or sale. Working in tandem works better with free conference calls and the free conference call mobile app. You can hold high-quality audio conference calls with up to 1000 callers (for FREE!); schedule meetings; start a free conference call immediately; set up recurring conference calls with a few clicks and get access to international dial-in numbers. Need to have an emergency brainstorming meeting with your donation campaign committee after everyone has left the office for the night? Forgo the email thread, and set up a quick and easy, free conference call for the first thing in the morning using the app.
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